Wholesale Inquiries

Interested in Dokudu products?

If you have a retail store in a physical location (a brick and mortar store), your own retail store online or you are interested in a bulk purchase, please contact us to discuss more about your interest. 

Please note that we do not do private label or do dropshipping.  We also do not allow our products to be sold on Amazon, eBay, Etsy or other third-party websites or platforms. 

If you are interested in carrying our products, please send us an e-mail at info@dokudu.com with the subject line “Wholesale Inquiry”. Please include the applicable information on the following topics in your e-mail.

Company Name: 

Buyer Name (First and Last):


Phone Number:

Business Address: 



Type of Business (Select one): Online / Storefront / Online and Storefront / Other and Explain

Please tell us a little about your store, what merchandise you offer, and other brands and lines you carry: 

How many Dokudu items you would like: 

Which specific Dokudu items you are interested in: